we believe that together

mothers & daughters

Have the Potential to Impact Positive Change in Our World

Bold statement, absolutely, but hear us out!

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The Mother-Daughter Relationship has impact. Its' ripples are felt in every life it touches.

You've heard the song and sayings, right?

  • "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"

  • "Happy Wife Happy Life"

  • "If the Queen is happy, the kingdom is peaceful"

Society pokes fun at the power of these ripples, but it does not deny them.

Let's take a breath & a moment


Think about that!

Ten years ago Abigail's and my relationship was far from healthy. Our ripples were most definitely negatively impacting the world around us.

We were both:

  • Living with undiagnosed mental illness

  • Felt responsible for the other's happiness (codependency at its finest)

  • Expected way too much of each other

  • Had no clue how to communicate effectively

  • Worried all the time (oh the things that kept us up at night)

  • Felt worthless, broken, and alone

Today, we are still learning. BUT, our mother-daughter relationship is so good!

We both:

  • Are aware and committed to our mental wellness

  • Define and take responsibility for our own happiness

  • Expect nothing and appreciate everything

  • Are Certified C.O.A.C.H Principles Teaching Partners in the art of conversation

  • Love and accept ourselves

  • Positively Impact the lives we touch

Imagine the impact of our ripples If we all loved and accepted ourselves?

ā€œI am writing to tell you both how much I love your podcast."

When we met last year I didn't know how much I would need you. My daughter and I are well over two years into our journey (Oct '21 is when I realized we were on a journey) and have had lots of ups and downs. When I was the most lost on how to be the mom she needed, I turned to your podcast. Thank you for so openly sharing your stories, tangents, and hard earned wisdom.

~ Rachael

private coaching client

I am so pumped because my daughter and I just booked a Mother-Daughter trip to Hershey Park for Labor Day weekend. We are going on regular morning walks together and she is seriously one of my favorite people right now. I am so thrilled with where we are in our relationship. I hope that she feels the same way. Thank you for helping us get here!

~Megan R


Introduce the Benefits.

We believe

Mothers & Daughters

  • Are different ~ No two people or relationships are the same.

  • Words have power ~ They can build us up or tear us down.

  • Need to feel it to heal it ~ We hurt each other because we are human.

  • Have a complex relationship ~ There is no exact formula or one right way.

  • Monkey-See, Monkey-Do ~ Our daughters are watching the way we treat ourselves and the world.


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division of Connecting Hearts Travel LLC