We are Abigail and Kelly.

The mother-daughter duo behind :

The Mother Daughter Journey

We have a working theory -

A belief really -

That mothers and daughters have the potential to change our world.

I remember the day this theory started to form, although we didnā€™t know it at the time.

It was a Friday in November 2012 - the day we discovered the power of the mother-daughter relationship. The day I learned Abigail had a plan to take her own life.

At some point on that Friday we made our way to an emergency services facility where we were waiting to learn our next steps when a psychiatrist asked, "What kept you from following through?ā€

I watched as Abigail tried to work it out in her mind. Then, she looked at me and responded, ā€Each time I came close to executing my plan and actually writing the note I had written a million times in my head, I had the thought that no one would truly miss me, except Mom. Mom would be devastated. It would break her.ā€

Fast forward ten years, past all the HARD WORK of navigating the mental health arena, the hours of cognitive behavior therapy together and individually, the communication lessons, family opinions, misconceptions, misunderstandings, guilt, fear, sleepless nights, and the ups and downs.

What you will find is a mother and daughter who are best friends and business partners that love each other deeply.

Two people who truly see, support, and respect each other's similarities and differences. Who knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will be there for each other, as Pink says in her song All I Know So Far, ā€œuntil the world blows up."

Our path has been messy and winding, but oh the things we have learned.....SO MUCH.

We have spent the past ten years learning and growing together, and we have come to believe that our journey and its lessons are meant to be shared.

Fast forward ten years, past all the HARD WORK of navigating the mental health arena, the hours of cognitive behavior therapy together and individually, the communication lessons, family opinions, misconceptions, misunderstandings, guilt, fear, sleepless nights, and the ups and downs.

What you will find is a mother and daughter who are best friends and business partners that love each other deeply.

Two people who truly see, support, and respect each other's similarities and differences. Who knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that we will be there for each other, as Pink says in her song All I Know So Far, ā€œuntil the world blows up."

Imagine what our world could be like

If mothers and daughters did the hard work?

What does that look like? Keep reading...

lessons from our journey

so far...


we are different

No two people or relationships are the same because we all experience and interpret the world through different lenses.

This includes mothers and daughters.

  • personality styles

  • conversation styles

  • strengths/weaknesses

  • generational norms

  • societal pressures

  • technology

  • beliefs

  • experiences

  • upbringings

different & that's okay


Words have power

They can build us up and tear us down. When you love someone how you make them feel matters.

The way our words are perceived makes a difference, regardless of intent. What we intend with our words is not always what is heard.

šŸ—ļøCommunication is key. Learning productive and compassionate conversation skills is essential.


You need to feel it to heal it

The love between mothers and daughters is wonderfully strong and fierce.


This is a part of EVERY mother-daughter relationship. Why? Because we are human. All of us are out here learning as we go....doing our best.

We don't innately know how to recognize, regulate, or talk about emotions. We need to learn. Our daughters need us to learn. Dare we say, the world needs us to learn.


The relationship is complex

We're just going to say it. Navigating the maturing mother-daughter relationship is damn difficult......FOR EVERYONE!

For some reason, we all think it should be easier. After all, we are mother and daughter. NOPE.

Each relationship is one of a kind (like aā„ļøsnowflake). There is no exact formula or one right way. This masterpiece belongs to the two of you.


monkey see Monkey do

With all the different eyes that are constantly upon us, we tend to forget the most important ones: our daughters'. Those are the eyes watching the way we treat the world. This includes how we treat ourselves.

By watching us they learn:

  • How to treat the world

  • How to treat others

  • How to treat themselves

So the question to ask is do we want our daughters to feel about themselves the way we feel about ourselves?

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Grab our 8 tips for having better conversations with your daughter


division of Connecting Hearts Travel LLC